Award 2018
Publication 2018
Ximena García -
Awarded books
Sebastián Vargas
Illustrations by Matías Acosta
El barco de vapor Collection
Buenos Aires: Ediciones SM, 2017
NovelFor those who became great readers
ISBN: 978-987-731-435-9
With great use of the dialogues and an accurate delineation of his only two characters, this sort of "sentimental comedy" takes us to the Antarctic to narrate the adventure of Margarita and Catorce/Sebastián, a penguin couple drifting over a small iceberg detached from the great ice. The lack of communication, the birth of love, solidarity and climate change are some of the themes that converge in this humorous story, at times absurd and hopeless, but traveled by a comforting humanism.
El príncipe de las pulgas
Cristina Rebull
Illustrations by Samuel Castaño
Torre de papel Collection
Bogotá: Editorial Norma, 2017
NovelFor those who took off as readers
ISBN: 978-958-00-0273-4
With Emilio, a street dog, as a protagonist narrator, this novel tells a story of abandonment and disappointment, and the emergence and consolidation of a great friendship. The realistic and the fantastic blend harmoniously in this work recreates the difficult process of restoring confidence and building new emotional bonds. Narration of remarkable dynamism that appropriately conjugates the humoristic situations with a respectful treatment of emotions and feelings.
La sonrisa de los peces de piedra
Rosa Huertas
Madrid: Grupo Anaya, 2017
NovelFor those who became great readers
ISBN: 978-84-698-3336-0
A city, two epochs, two narrative angles and a plot that presents us to young people of different generations and social circumstances. Novel of searches, secrets and revelations, with characters that try to know who they are, where they come from and what they want to do with their lives. With great narrative fluidity, this story of growth, love and friendship invites us to explore the inner world of its protagonists and pays tribute to various corners of Madrid.
Tinta y ceniza
Luis Bernardo Pérez
Gran Angular Collection
México D.F.: Ediciones SM, Secretaría de Cultura, 2016
NovelFor those who became great readers
ISBN: 978-607-24-2399-2 (SM), 978-607-745-447-2 (SecretarÃa de Cultura)
A young man from Veracruz arrives at the Mexican capital of the early twentieth century with the dream of becoming a journalist and, after getting off the train, he becomes the protagonist of an enigmatic plot rich in unexpected twists. Backed by a convincing historical recreation of Mexico City from the years of Porfiriato, this detective novel stands out for its compositional solidity, narrative elegance and its attractive and well-delineated characters.
La tristeza de las cosas
María José Ferrada
Illustrations by Pep Carrió
Poesía Ilustrada Collection
Santiago de Chile: Editorial Amanuta, 2017
PoetryFor those who became great readers
ISBN: 978-956-364-029-8
A moving poem in prose that suggests a reflection on the importance of rescuing of small and big events to preserve the memory of the deceased. The work refers to more than three thousand Chileans who died and disappeared between 1973 and the mid-1980s; but, beyond that historical detonator, words and illustrations speak to us in a more comprehensive way about the survival of memories and the endearing relationship of human beings with their everyday objects.
Un ajolote me dijo...
María Baranda
Illustrations by Armando Fonseca García
Castillo de la lectura Collection
México D.F.: Ediciones Castillo, 2017
PoetryFor those who took off as readers
ISBN: 978-607-621-627-9
The armadillo, the turtle, the quetzal, the ocelot, the monkey, the alligator, the salamander... In this exuberant book, different animals of the rich fauna of Latin American countries move through the jungle of poetry, among the trees, in the water, by the sky. Without descriptive spirit, appealing to the power of images and musicality, these poems present us with a bestiary of singular originality and beauty and therefore invite us to undertake an enriching literary adventure.
We highlight a set of works that were finalists in the selection process of the winning books of the Cuatrogatos Foundation Award 2018.
These titles were highly valued for their literary, artistic and editorial quality during the jury deliberations. The finalists are books with great merits, highly recommended reading.
La apuesta
Texto de Laia Jufresa
Ilustraciones de Cristina Sitja Rubio
Caracas, Barcelona: Ediciones Ekaré, 2017
Libro álbumFort those who start readingISBN: 978-84-945736-3-7
Los días liebre
Clara López
Illustrations by Marcos Viso
Orihuela Collection
Pontevedra: Faktoría K de libros, Kalandraka Editora, 2017
PoetryFor those who took off as readersISBN: 978-84-16721-12-2
El dragón blanco y otros personajes olvidados
Adolfo Córdova
Illustrations by Riki Blanco
Los Especiales de A la orilla del viento Collection
México D.F.: Fondo de Cultura Económica, Secretaría de Cultura del Estado de Campeche, 2016
Short storiesFor those who dare with challenging booksISBN: 978-607-16-4247-9
El escarabajo
Text by Laura Escudero Tobler
Illustrations by Clau Degliuomini
Luna de Azafrán Collection
Buenos Aires: Del Naranjo, 2017
Short storyFort those who start readingISBN: 978-987-3854-34-7
La familia de la vajilla impar
Text by Catalina González Vilar
Illustrations by Isabel Hojas
Zaragoza: Edelvives, 2016
Picture bookFort those who start readingISBN: 978-84-140-0614-6
El instante amarillo
Historias gráficas Collection
México D.F.: Editorial Océano, 2017
Graphic novelFor those who dare with challenging booksISBN: 978-607-527-269-6
La misma cantidad de osos
Roy Berocay
Montevideo: Loqueleo, Santillana, 2017
NovelFor those who became great readersISBN: 978-9974-95-920-0
Nana para despertar a un niño
Text by Fran Pintadera
Illustrations by Txell Darné
Fraga: Ediciones La Fragatina, 2016
Picture bookFor the little ones who cant readISBN: 978-84-16566-20-4
Noche antigua
David ílvarez
Los Especiales de A la orilla del viento Collection
México D.F.: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2017
Picture bookFor those who took off as readersISBN: 978-607-16-5314-7
El sapo y los niños
Ilan Brenman
Illustrations by Anna Aparicio Catalí
Translated from Portuguese by Patric de San Pedro
Barcelona: Takatuka, 2016
Short storyFort those who start readingISBN: 978-84-16003-73-0
- Fort those who start reading
A Juanita su trabajo no la asusta
Fabián Sevilla
Illustrations by Alejandro O ™Kif
Letras Animadas Collection
Buenos Aires: RiderChail Editions, 2015
Short storyISBN: 978-987-1603-56-5
Alma del mar
Jaime Gamboa
Illustrations by Roger Ycaza
Ciudad de Guatemala: Amanuense, 2016
Short storyISBN: 978-9929-633-42-1
Camino de plata
Gilda Rincón
Illustrations by Bí rbara Sansó
México D.F.: Nostra Ediciones, 2017
PoetryISBN: 978-607-8469-42-0
Cómo envolver un regalo en 10 pasos
Text by Pepe Serrano
Illustrations by Guridi
Alagón, Zaragoza: Apila Ediciones, 2017
Picture bookISBN: 978-84-943476-8-9
De pajaritos y pajaritas
Gustavo Roldán
Madrid: Editorial Bambú, 2017
Short storyISBN: 978-84-8343-505-2
Después del final
Text by Laura Junowics
Illustrations by María José Arce
Catalejo Collection
Santiago de Chile: Claraboya Ediciones, 2017
Picture bookISBN: 978-956-9825-02-6
Doce pescadores / Marri epu nug challhuafe
Bilingual edition Spanish-Mapudungun
Text by Franco Vaccarini
Illustrations by Vanina Starkoff
Translated to Mapudungun by Fermina Pichumil
Comunidades Collection
Buenos Aires: Macma Ediciones, Editorial La Bohemia, 2016
Short storyISBN: 978-987-1019-70-0
Ene-o, NO
Alonso Núñez
Illustrations by Bruna Assis Brasil
México D.F.: CIDCLI, Secretaría de Cultura, 2016
PoetryISBN: 978-607-8351-57-2 (CIDCLI), 978-607-745-384-0 (SecretarÃa de Cultura)
El genio pirata
Jaime Alfonso Sandoval
Illustrations by Manuel Monroy
El barco de vapor Collection
México D.F.: Ediciones SM, 2016
Short storyISBN: 978-607-24-2464-7
Guachichipira va de viaje
Arianna Arteaga Quintero
Illustrations by Stefano Di Cristofaro
Caracas, Barcelona: Ediciones Ekaré, 2016
Short storyISBN: 978-980-257-366-0
Haciendo el oso
ílvaro Magalhí£es
Illustrations by Cátia Vidinhas
Translated from Portuguese by María Alonso Seisdedos
Fraga: Ediciones La Fragatina, 2015
Short storyISBN: 978-84-16226-81-8
Hilos y tijeras
Ricardo Alcántara
Illustrations by Rebeca Luciani
Calcetín Collection
Alzira: Algar Editorial, 2015
Short storyISBN: 978-84-9845-695-0
Paula Vásquez
Lectorcitos Collection
Santiago de Chile: Zig-Zag, 2016
Picture bookISBN: 978-956-12-2941-9
Text by Mar Pavón
Illustrations by Maria Girón
Sant Feliu de Guíxols, Girona: Tramuntana Editorial, 2015
Picture bookISBN: 978-84-943046-0-6
El interior de los colores
María José Ferrada
Illustrations by Rodrigo Marín Matamoros
Pequeño Astronauta Collection
Santiago de Chile: Planetalector, 2016
PoetryISBN: 978-956-360-143-5
Alberto Sánchez Argüello
Illustrations by Dorota Wünsch
Managua: Fondo Editorial Libros para Niños, 2017
Short storyISBN: 978-99924-67-73-2
La línea
Claudia Rueda
México D.F.: Océano Travesía, 2016
Picture bookISBN: 978-607-527-055-5
Lope, el león miope
Beatriz Giménez de Ory
Illustrations by Cecilia Varela
Lo Mullarero Collection
Barcelona: Ediciones La Fragatina, 2016
PoetryISBN: 978-84-16566-08-2
Lula y su amiga
Marichel Roca
México D.F.: Uranito Editores, 2016
Short storyISBN: 978-607-7480-62-4
El mapa de los buenos momentos
Fran Nuño
Illustrations by Zuzanna Celej
Madrid: Cuento de luz, 2016
Picture bookISBN: 978-84-16147-78-6
Me pica la nariz de mi vecina
Carles Sala i Vila
Illustrations by Nerina Canzi
Translated from Catalan by Patric de San Pedro
Barcelona: Takatuka, 2017
Short storyISBN: 978-84-16003-75-4
Ni guau ni miau
Text by Blanca Lacasa
Illustrations by Gómez
Madrid: NubeOcho, 2017
Picture bookISBN: 978-84-945415-2-0
Txabi Arnal
Illustrations by Miguel Cerro
PI Collection
Salamanca: La Guarida Ediciones, 2017
Short storyISBN: 978-84-945204-4-0
El pirata Malapata
Margarita del Mazo
Illustrations by Guridi
Madrid: Miau, Ediciones Jaguar, 2015
Short storyISBN: 978-84-16434-00-8
Retrato de la familia Pinzón
Fran Pintadera
Illustrations by Loreto Aroca López
Luna de aire Collection
Madrid: Ediciones SM, 2017
PoetryISBN: 978-84-675-9436-2
El rey de la semilla
Claudia Rueda
Buenas noches Collection
Bogotá: Editorial Norma, 2017
Picture bookISBN: 978-958-00-0275-8
Miren Agur Meabe
Illustrations by Estibalitz Jalón
Santa Marta de Tormes, Salamanca: Lóguez Ediciones, 2017
Picture bookISBN: 978-84-947052-1-2
El secreto del erizo
Susanna Isern
Illustrations by Natalia Colombo
Madrid: Canica Books, 2017
Picture bookISBN: 978-84-945336-3-1
Setenta y medio
Toño Malpica
Illustrations by Diego ílvarez
México D.F.: Ediciones SM, 2017
Picture bookISBN: 978-607-24-2738-9
El señor Escolopendra
Norma Muñoz Ledo
Illustrations by Luis San Vicente
Mar Abierto Collection
México D.F.: Pearson, 2016
Short storyISBN: 978-607-32-3541-9
El sueño de los peces
Evelyn Aixalí
Illustrations by Roger Ycaza
Montevideo: Loqueleo, Santillana, 2017
Picture bookISBN: 978-9974-95-948-4
Un día, una brújula
Elsa Bornemann
Illustrations by Mariana Ruiz Johnson
Buenos Aires: Loqueleo, Santillana, 2015
PoetryISBN: 978-950-46-4437-8
La vaca de mi abuela
Eugenia De Micheli
Illustrations by Mariana Etcheto Mézií¨re
Luna de Azafrán Collection
Buenos Aires: Del Naranjo, 2016
Picture bookISBN: 978-987-3854-24-8
Text by Carmen Chica y Manuel Marsol
Illustrations by Manuel Marsol
Fulgencio Pimentel e hijos Collection
Barcelona: Fulgencio Pimentel, 2017
Picture bookISBN: 978-84-16167-52-4
Pato Mena
Madrid: Miau, Ediciones Jaguar, 2017
Picture bookISBN: 978-84-16434-70-1
- For the little ones who cant read
Abecedario escondido
Barcelona: Editorial Juventud, 2017
Picture bookISBN: 978-84-261-4444-7
Animales escondidos
Lola Casas
Illustrations by Gusti
Los Duraznos Collection
Buenos Aires: Pequeño Editor, 2017
PoetryISBN: 978-987-1374-87-8
Así me lo contaron a mí y así te lo canto a ti
María del Sol Peralta
Illustrations by Helena Melo Tovar
Musical direction of Felipe Aljure and Juan Carlos Rivas
María del Sol Collection
Bogotá: Alfaguara, Penguin Random House, 2016
Book and CDISBN: 978-958-8948-80-5
El conejo en la Luna
Emilio íngel Lome
Illustrations by Daniela Martagón
México D.F.: Océano Travesía, 2017
Picture bookISBN: 978-607-400-953-8
Text by Fran Pintadera
Illustrations by Guridi
Almería: Editorial Libre Albedrío, 2017
Picture bookISBN: 978-84-944172-5-2
Dos osos de paseo
Jorge Luján
Illustrations by Manon Gauthier
Especiales de Comunicarte Collection
Córdoba, Argentina: Comunicarte, 2016
PoetryISBN: 978-987-602-343-6
Ilan Brenman y Guilherme Karsten
Buenos Aires: V&R Editoras, 2017
Picture bookISBN: 978-987-747-234-9
Esto no es una selva
Susanna Isern
Illustrations by Rocio Bonilla
Barcelona: Editorial Flamboyant, 20l7
Picture bookISBN: 978-84-94-6035-2-5
El pollo Kiriko
Paula Carbonell
Illustrations by Carmen Queralt
Artefactos Collection
Madrid: Libros de las Malas Compañías, 2017
Short storyISBN: 978-84-945888-2-2
Por el camino
Mariana Ruiz Johnson
Pontevedra: Kalandraka Editora, 2017
Picture bookISBN: 978-84-8464-296-1
Un cocodrilo en la granja
Susanna Isern
Illustrations by Carles Ballesteros
Galope Collection
Barcelona: Combel Editorial, 2017
Picture bookISBN: 978-84-9101-236-8
Una historia diferente
Adolfo Serra
Almería: Editorial Libre Albedrío, 2017
Picture bookISBN: 978-84-946308-3-5
Natalia Méndez
Illustrations by Fernando Calvi
Jinete de Juguete Collection
Buenos Aires: Ediciones Abran Cancha, 2017
Picture bookISBN: 978-987-1865-47-5
- For those who took off as readers
Las almas de la fiesta y otros cuentos de Día de Muertos
Judy Goldman
Illustrations by Israel Barrón
Castillo de la Lectura Collection
México D.F.: Ediciones Castillo, 2017
Short storyISBN: 978-607-621-698-9
Arroz con leche
Natalí Tentori
Illustrations by Elizabeth Builes
Pontevedra: Faktoría K de libros, Kalandraka Editora, 2017
PoetryISBN: 978-84-16721-10-8
Bredo, el pez
José M. Fernández Pequeño
Santo Domingo: Editora Nacional, 2017
NovelISBN: 978-9945-492-91-0
Los cromos de Maider
Itziar Pascual
Illustrations by Estelí Meza
El duende verde Collection
Madrid: Grupo Anaya, 2017
Short storyISBN: 978-84-698-3368-1
Cuando a este árbol le salgan flores
Patricia Barrón Noé
Illustrations by María Elina
México D.F.: La Caja de Cerillos Ediciones, Secretaría de Cultura, 2016
Picture bookISBN: 978-607-8205-25-7 (La Caja de Cerillos), 978-607-745-465-6 (SecretarÃa de Cultura)
Cuentan que hace mucho, mucho tiempo ¦
Guillermo Barrantes
Illustrations by Patricio Oliver
Buenos Aires: Quipu, 2016
Short storiesISBN: 978-987-504-171-4
De poco un Todo
Camila Schumacher
Illustrations by Adián González
Balcón Abierto Collection
San José, Costa Rica: La Jirafa y Yo, 2016
NovelISBN: 978-9968-583-55-8
Dos gatos mojados y el caso del paraguas
Carlos Vera Vargas
La Paz: Loqueleo, Santillana, 2016
NovelISBN: 978-99974-897-8-4
Beatriz Martín Vidal
Fuera de í“rbita Collection
Barcelona: Thule Ediciones, 2016
PoetryISBN: 978-84-16817-08-5
Los héroes gemelos contra los tres gigantes
Adaptation by Humberto Ak ™abal
Illustrations by Luis Garay
Las historias del Popol Vuh Collection
Ciudad de Guatemala: Editorial Piedrasanta, 2016
Short storyISBN: 978-9929-716-44-5
La Isla de las Alucinaciones
Joel Franz RosellSevilla: Premium Editorial, 2017NovelISBN: 978-84-947035-2-2
Leyendas del mundo
Martín Blasco
Illustrations by Cynthia Orensztajn
Atrapacuentos Collection
Buenos Aires: El Gato de Hojalata, Editorial Guadal, 2017
Short storiesISBN: 978-987-751-487-2
El Libro del Mundo
Eliacer Cansino
Illustrations by Guridi
Sevilla: Rayuelainfancia, 2017
Short storyISBN: 978-84-697-2818-5
Las magas
Ema WolfIllustrations by Pezílbumes ilustrados CollectionBuenos Aires: Loqueleo, Santillana, 2017Short storiesISBN: 978-950-46-5235-9
La niña y el rey dragón
Iliana PrietoIllustrations by Sara SánchezLiteratura Juvenil CollectionBogotá: Panamericana Editorial, 2017NovelISBN: 978-958-30-5568-3
Cecilia PisosIllustrations by Héctor BorlascaLos libros del Ratón CollectionBuenos Aires: La Brujita de Papel, 2017PoetryISBN: 978-987-3681-68-4
Pepito y la calle más aburrida del mundo
José Ignacio ValenzuelaIllustrations by Luis San VicenteMéxico D.F.: Loqueleo, Santillana, 2016NovelISBN: 978-607-01-2998-8
El sabor de las palabras. Antología poética
Selection by José Luis FerrisIllustrations by Betania ZacariasMadrid: Grupo Anaya, 2017PoetryISBN: 978-84-698-3339-1
El secreto de Borges
Matías AlinoviIllustrations by Diego AlterleibBuenos Aires: Pequeño Editor, 2017Short storyISBN: 978-987-1374-79-3
Silbo del dromedario que nunca muere
Gonzalo MoureIllustrations by Juan HernazSanta Marta de Tormes: Lóguez Ediciones, 2017Short storyISBN: 978-84-947052-2-9
Sombras en el arcoíris
M. B. BrozonIllustrations by GuridiA la orilla del viento CollectionMéxico D.F.: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2017NovelISBN: 978-607-16-4800-6
El sueño de Amaru
Francisco Delgado SantosIllustrations by Santiago GonzálezQuito: Ediciones SM, 2015NovelISBN: 978-9942-15-168-1
Un día, un gato
Juan Lima (y amigos)Buenos Aires: Calibroscopio ediciones, 2017PoetryISBN: 978-987-3967-15-3
Vamos por partes
Yael FrankelCollection Sin límitesSantiago de Chile: Editorial Amanuta, 2017Picture bookISBN: 978-956-364-048-9
El visitante de las estrellas
Pabsi LivmarIllustrations by Rabindrana Díaz CardonaEl barco de vapor CollectionSan Juan, Puerto Rico: Ediciones SM, 2017NovelISBN: 978-163014-402-9
- For those who dare with challenging books
Adiós a los cuentos de hadas
Elizabeth Cruz MadridIllustrations by Estelí MezaEcos de tinta CollectionMéxico D.F.: Ediciones El Naranjo, 2016NovelISBN: 978-607-8442-31-7
Así, pero sin ser así. Consideraciones de un misántropo
Afonso CruzTranslated from Portuguese by Gabriela de la Parra MoralesBogotá: Panamericana Editorial, 2017StoryISBN: 978-958-30-5336-8
Cuando llega un dragón
Maricel PalomequeIllustrations by Rosa Mercedes GonzálezInfantojuvenil CollectionVilla Allende, Córdoba, Argentina: Los Ríos Editorial, 2017NovelISBN: 978-987-45023-6-0
El juego más antiguo
Alberto ChimalIllustrations by Isidro EsquivelMéxico D.F.: Loqueleo, Santillana, 2017Short storyISBN: 978-607-01-3385-5
Silvia SchujerBuenos Aires: Loqueleo, Santillana, 2016Short storiesISBN: 978-950-46-5053-9
Carola Martinez ArroyoZona libre CollectionBuenos Aires: Editorial Norma, 2016NovelISBN: 978-987-545-712-6
Los niños de la viruela
María SolarIllustrations by Beatriz CastroTranslated from the Galician by María Jesús FernándezMadrid: Grupo Anaya, 2017NovelISBN: 978-84-698-3355-1
El océano interior
Juan José CaveroIllustrations by Eunice EspinozaTorre de papel CollectionLima: Editorial Norma, 2017NovelISBN: 978-612-02-0801-4
Por el camino del cóndor
Eduardo GonzálezIllustrations by Irene SingerEl barco de vapor CollectionBuenos Aires: Ediciones SM, 2017NovelISBN: 978-987-731-436-6
15 tontos para Melissa
Janina Pérez de la IglesiaIllustrations by Dana SanMarTorre de papel CollectionBogotá: Editorial Norma, 2016NovelISBN: 978-958-776-893-0
El secreto de la esfinge
Ana AlcoleaIllustrations by David GuiraoMadrid: Grupo Anaya, 2017NovelISBN: 978-84-698-3340-7
El sótano de Neske
Lidia BarugelBuenos Aires: Loqueleo, Santillana, 2016NovelISBN: 978-950-46-4983-0
Las últimas páginas de mi vida
Andrea FerrariIllustrations by Pablo PicykTorre de papel CollectionBuenos Aires: Editorial Norma, 2017NovelISBN: 978-987-545-721-8
- For those who became great readers
Los ahogados
María Teresa AndruettoIllustrations by Daniel RabanalFrontera Ilustrada CollectionBogotá: Babel, 2017Short storyISBN: 978-958-8954-41-7
El chico de la flecha. Una aventura en Emérita Augusta
Espido FreireMadrid: Grupo Anaya, 2017NovelISBN: 978-84-698-0907-5
Elisa. La rosa inesperada
Liliana BodocZona libre CollectionBuenos Aires: Editorial Norma, 2017NovelISBN: 978-987-545-722-5
Fuimos una banda de rock
Fuimos una banda de rockEnrique EscalonaZona libre CollectionMéxico D.F.: Editorial Norma, 2017NovelISBN: 978-607-13-0644-9
José Ignacio ValenzuelaMéxico D.F.: Nube de Tinta, 2017NovelISBN: 978-607-315-235-8
Huye sin mirar atrás
Luis LeanteMadrid: Edebé, 2016NovelISBN: 978-84-683-1771-7
El mar y la serpiente
Paula BombaraNandibú Horizontes CollectionLleida: Editorial Milenio, 2016NovelISBN: 978-84-9743-756-1
Los ojos de la noche
Inés GarlandBuenos Aires: Loqueleo, Santillana, 2016NovelISBN: 978-950-46-4910-6
El pacto
Florencia Gattari y Sebastián VargasGran Angular CollectionBuenos Aires: Ediciones SM, 2015NovelISBN: 978-987-731-136-5
Las palabras heridas
Jordi Sierra i FabraLas Tres Edades CollectionMadrid: Ediciones Siruela, 2017NovelISBN: 978-84-16964-38-3
La partitura
Mónica RodríguezAlandar CollectionZaragoza: Edelvives, 2016NovelISBN: 978-84-140-0484-5
Un sonido como el verano
Javier MalpicaCastillo de la Lectura CollectionMéxico D.F.: Ediciones Castillo, 2017NovelISBN: 978-607-621-708-5
Una luz contra la guerra
Gonzalo MoureIllustrations by Gabriel PachecoFuera de Serie CollectionMéxico D.F.: Editorial Norma, Secretaría de Cultura, 2016Short storyISBN: 978-607-13-0557-2 (Norma), 978-607-745-377-2 (SecretarÃa de Cultura)
Valkiria. Game Over
David LozanoGran Angular CollectionMadrid: Ediciones SM, 2016NovelISBN: 978-84-675-9059-3
- Fort those who start reading
Publishers of winning, finalist and recommended books
- Award 2025Award 2024Award 2023Award 2022Award 2021Award 2020Award 2019Award 2017Award 2016Award 2015Award 2014