Miami Book Fair
Miami Book Fair, , organized by Miami Dade College, is the largest annual literary festival in the United States.
Alexis LagoMiami Book Fair, , organized by Miami Dade College, is the largest annual literary festival in the United States.
Creado en el año 2002, el Instituto Cultural de México en Miami (ICMM) tiene como misión principal el proyectar a la sociedad del sur de la Florida en su conjunto, la riqueza y la diversidad de la cultura mexicana.
Santillana USA, based in Miami, Florida, is one of twenty-two subsidiaries of Grupo Santillana, the largest educational publisher in the Spanish-speaking world.
Agency specializing in the Hispanic entertainment market, based in Coral Gables.
Spanish book distribution company based in Miami. www.cincobooks.com
Miami-Dade County Public Schools is a public school district serving Miami-Dade County, in the U.S. state of Florida. It is the largest school district in Florida, and the fourth largest in the United States. M-DCPS offer optional international studies programs and bilingual education in Spanish, French, German, Haitian Creole, and Mandarin Chinese.
Creado en el año 2002, el Instituto Cultural de México en Miami (ICMM) tiene como misión principal el proyectar a la sociedad del sur de la Florida en su conjunto, la riqueza y la diversidad de la cultura mexicana.
Non-profit organization dedicated to the research, production and promotion of the arts, literature and other cultural expressions, with emphasis on theater.
Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs provide grants and technical assistance to cultural organizations and individual artists, and advocate for effective cultural policies and for more public and private resources to invest in cultural development.
Videos of this event organized by the Cuatrogatos Foundation to contribute to education and culture in our community.