Award 2014
Publication 2014
Núria Feijoó -
Awarded books
El idioma secreto
María José Ferrada
Ilustraciones de Zuzanna CelejPontevedra: Faktoría K de Libros, Kalandraka, 2013PoetryFor those who became great readers
ISBN: 978-84-15250-49-4
A different look at the environment that surrounds us. A philosophy of life bequeathed from the old to the young as in whispers, with delicacy and wisdom. The collection of poems rescues values ‹ ‹in the process of getting lost in realities where it seems to live in too much haste and without appreciating the details and spaces more warm and simple. Reposado and intimate lyric discourse, in free verses that exalt the secret world of femininity and love for the family, as well as the transmission of emotions and secrets from generation to generation.
Letras robadas
Triunfo Arciniegas
Ilustraciones de Claudia RuedaColección Los álbumesBarcelona / México D.F.: Océano Travesía, 2013Short storyFort those who start reading
ISBN: 978-607-400-962-0
The mottled and colorful world of popular markets perceived by a girl. Sensorial approach to words, writing and stories suggested by everyday reality. The enriching contrast between the verbal narrative, concise and refined, and the lavish illustrations in personages, environments, landscapes and costumbristas details, gives another turn of nut to the traditional reason of the mice collectors of infantile teeth.
Lo más raro de mi casa
María Fernanda Heredia
Ilustraciones de Roger YcazaColección Ala Delta, serie rojaBuenos Aires: Edelvives, 2012Short storyFort those who start reading
ISBN: 978-987-642-164-5
Is it possible to exchange a grandfather for a sticky Amazonian frog? Funny story that, through an irreverent anecdote and with a great knowledge of children 's logic, proposes a reflection on the place of the elderly in the family and on the importance of intergenerational communication. Supported by nice illustrations, the plot flows joyously to remind us that "the world would be very rare if the grandparents did not exist ...".
Verónica Murguía
Colección Gran AngularMadrid: Ediciones SM, 2013NovelFor those who became great readers
ISBN: 978-84-675-6168-5
With the mythical figures of the dragon and the unicorn as props of a fantastic universe that unfolds ambitiously before the reader, this novel presents adolescent heroes who witness the fierce confrontation of two antagonistic universes and protagonists of a complex initiation in the world of the adults . In a time and a space of legends, crossed by historical references, this captivating epic shows a poetic prose of unusual richness and quality, that clothes archetypal characters and great themes of the universal narrative: love, hate, doubt, fear, fidelity, ambition, hope...
Luces en el canal
David Fernández Sifres
Ilustraciones de PuñoColección El barco de vapor, serie naranjaMadrid: Ediciones SM, 2013NovelFor those who took off as readers
ISBN: 978-84-675-5192-1
Story about the close friendship that arises between a child with physical limitations, but cheerful, skillful and full of self-confidence, and a marginal old man, harassed by an environment that denies him the right to a social space and dignity. Realistic novel of enlightened humanism, with an end that is transcended, unexpectedly and symbolically, by the irruption of the magic. A beautiful modern fairy tale with the potential to last in memory.
Monstruos por el borde del mundo
Eduardo Abel Giménez
Colección AlandarBuenos Aires: Edelvives, 2012NovelFor those who became great readers
ISBN: 978-987-642-178-2
Narrativa con muchas capas y multiplicidad de lecturas, que se aventura por caminos novedosos en la ciencia ficción iberoamericana. Sugestivo contrapunteo fantástico en el que dos universos (¿la realidad cotidiana y la virtual?) se entrelazan a través de los sueños, y que apuesta por una historia de amor entre jóvenes. El autor despliega ante sus lectores-cómplices una variedad de elementos narrativos y les permite (y reclama) organizar esas piezas de distintas maneras. Un hermoso recordatorio de la infinitud del universo y del conocimiento.
We highlight a set of works that were finalists in the selection process of the winning books of the Cuatrogatos Foundation Award 2014.
These titles were highly valued for their literary, artistic and editorial quality during the jury deliberations. The finalists are books with great merits, highly recommended reading.
María Cristina RamosIlustraciones de Elisa ArguiléMadrid: Los cuatro azules, 2013PoetryFor the little ones who cant readISBN: 978-84-937295-5-4
El color de la nieve
IMatilde MéndezIlustraciones de María ElinaBuenos Aires: Adriana Hidalgo Pípala, 2012Libro álbumFort those who start readingISBN: 978-987-1556-77-9
Cuando estoy enfadado
Lucía SerranoColección Mi primera sopaMadrid: Anaya, 2013Libro álbumFor the little ones who cant readISBN: 978-84-678-4050-6
Cuentos del bosque
Leticia RuifernándezColección Primeras lecturasCaracas / Barcelona: Ekaré, 2013CuentoFort those who start readingISBN: 978-84-941247-2-3
Desde los ojos de un fantasma
Juan Carlos QuezadasColección El barco de vapor, serie rojaMéxico D.F.: Ediciones SM, 2012NovelFor those who dare with challenging booksISBN: 978-6007-24-0559-2
Juicio a tres brujas
Iliana PrietoIlustraciones de Patricia AcostaColección OA InfantilBogotá: Panamericana Editorial, 2013Short storyFor those who took off as readersISBN: 978-958-30-4203-4
Lola: tooodo un día en el zoo
ImaplaColección Primeras travesíasBarcelona / México D.F.: Océano Travesía, 2012Picture bookFor the little ones who cant readISBN: 978-607-400-825-8
Mi abuelo el luchador
Antonio Ramos RevillasIlustraciones de Rosana Mesa ZamudioColección Mar de cuentosMéxico D.F.: Ediciones El Naranjo, 2013CuentoFort those who start readingISBN: ISBN: 978-607-7661-70-2
Los miedos de Joaquín
Rubén SilvaIlustraciones de Carmen GarcíaColección Torre de papel, serie amarillaLima: Norma, 2012NovelFor those who dare with challenging booksISBN: 978-9972-09-645-7
Publishers of winning, finalist and recommended books
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