New book LIEL Group-Cuatrogatos Foundation
The LIEL Group (Children's Literature and Literary Education) at the University of Castilla-La Mancha, in Spain, and the Cuatrogatos Foundation, in Miami, United States, have published their most recent book: Palabras e imágenes para asomarnos al mundo: 25 autores iberoamericanos de libros álbum (Words and Images to Peek into the World: 25 Authors Iberoamerican books album).
This book –coordinated by César Sánchez Ortiz and Sergio Andricaín– includes a biobibliographic file for each of the selected artists, their answers to a questionnaire, the review of one of their representative works and the reproduction of a double page of some of their picture books. This research project focused its attention on the integral authors, who sign both the text and the illustrations of their works.
The twenty-five artists gathered in the book are Isol, Gustavo Roldán, Mariana Ruiz Johnson and María Wernicke (Argentina); Ciça Fittipaldi and Roger Mello (Brazil); Pato Mena and Paloma Valdivia (Chile); Alekos, Dipacho and Claudia Rueda (Colombia); Marco Chamorro and Roger Ycaza (Ecuador); Ximo Abadía, Marta Altés, Iban Barrenetxea, Federico Delicado, Guridi, Imapla, Beatriz Martín Vidal, Manuel Marsol, María Pascual de la Torre and Adolfo Serra (Spain), Carlos Pellicer López (Mexico) and Menena Cottin (Venezuela).
The project was developed by Cristina Cañamares Torrijos, Belén López Villar, Ángel Luis Luján Atienza, María del Carmen Martínez Blanco, Luis Martínez Serrano, Patricia Moreno Escribano, César Sánchez Ortiz and Aránzazu Sanz Tejeda, from the LIEL Group, and by Sergio Andricaín, Antonio Orlando Rodríguez and Fanuel Hanán Díaz, representing the Cuatrogatos Foundation. The work includes a text on the album book concept, written especially for this edition by Fanuel Hanán Díaz.
The titles previously published by LIEL-Cuatrogatos are Dos orillas y un océano: 25 autores iberoamericanos de poesía para niños y jóvenes (Two Shores and One Ocean: 25 Ibero-American Authors of Poetry for Children and Young People), 2015; Historias de aquí y de allá: 25 autores iberoamericanos de narrativa para niños (Stories From Here and There: 25 Ibero-American Authors of Children's Narrative), 2017, and Puentes de palabras: 25 autores iberoameicanos de narrativa para jóvenes (Bridges of Words: 25 Ibero-American Authors of Youth Narrative), 2018. This collaboration began in 2013 with the dissemination of De raíces y sueños: 50 libros para niños y jóvenes de autores latinos de Estados Unidos (From Roots and Dreams: 50 Books for Children and Young People by Latino Authors from the United States).