5th. Seminar on Children's Literature and Reading More books, more freedom

5th. Seminar on Children's Literature and Reading More books, more freedom

Organized by Cuatrogatos Foundation and Miami Book Fair.

Day: Saturday, November 17, 2018. 
Hours: 10:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. 
Location: Building 7, Room 7106, Downtown, Wolfson Campus of Miami Dade College.
Free entrance. 

Program (in Spanish): 

10:00 a.m.: The Narrative for Young People in Ibero-America 
Panel with the writers Elia Barceló (Spain), Fanuel Hanán Dí­az (Venezuela) and Sergio Andricaí­n (Cuba-United States). Presentation of the book Puentes de palabras: 25 autores iberoamericanos de narrativa para jóvenes (CEPLI-Fundación Cuatrogatos). 

11:30 p.m.: Editorials of illustrated books for children and young people 
Panel on the editors Luis Zendrera, of Editorial Juventud (Spain), and Fernando Garcí­a, of Libros del Zorro Rojo (Spain). Coordinator: Jefferson Quintana (Venezuela). 

12:30 p.m.: Recess 

1:30 p.m.: Reading and Independent Thinking 
Panel with writers Emilio de Armas (Cuba-United States), Arianna Arteaga Quintero (Venezuela), Joxemari Iturralde (Spain) and José Fragoso (Spain). Coordinator: Fanuel Hanán Dí­az (Venezuela). 

3:00 p.m.: The Hidden Beauty: Art in Children's Books 
Lecture by the writer Irene Vasco (Colombia). 

4:15 p.m .: What Do I Love and Hate About Children's Books?  
Panel with the writers Marí­a José Ferrada (Chile), Paloma Muiña (Spain) and Ana Marí­a Shua (Argentina). Coordinator: Antonio Orlando Rodrí­guez (Cuba-United States).