The 20 winning books of the Cuatrogatos Foundation Award 2018

The 20 winning books of the Cuatrogatos Foundation Award 2018

The Cuatrogatos Foundation Award was established to contribute to the promotion and the reading of high-quality children ™s books created by Ibero-American writers and illustrators.

Each year, after reading, analyzing and discussing a broad and representative sample of fiction books that are published in Spanish by publishers of Ibero-America and the United States, a committee make the selection of the Cuatrogatos Foundation Award winning titles. In this opportunity, more than 1.300 books published by 188 publishers from 19 countries were considered.

These are 20 highly recommended books for their literary and artistic values that, according to our institution, deserve to have the highest possible dissemination. By awarding the Cuatrogatos Foundation Prize, we want to contribute to reaching the highest number of homes, schools, libraries and other places where the young readers can meet with works of the highest quality. 

The prizes are chosen by a team of professionals of multidisciplinary training, philology, education, journalism, sociology, librarianship, theater, plastic arts, that share the interest for the creation and the study of children's and young people's literature. The members of this group are looking for quality, intelligent, fun, touching, disturbing, thought-provoking ideas. They highlight books that they would like others to know and read.

The graphic image that identified the prize was created by the Argentine illustrator Ximena Garcí­a.

We hope that the result of this research work of the publishing offer in Spanish, which is carried out on a permanent basis, by the Cuatrogatos Foundation, is useful for parents, teachers, librarians, publishers, researchers, journalists, creators artistic and all those adults interested in promoting reading among the young ones.