Again, For the roads of the eñe

Again, For the roads of the eñe

From June 12 to 16, 2017, the Department of Bilingual Education and Foreign Languages ‹ ‹of the Miami-Dade County Public Schools held the second edition of the creative writing lab For the roads of the eñe. This space for professional development, aimed at teachers of Spanish elementary and middle education, aimed to contribute to the training of teachers in the areas of reading and writing.

The design and the organization of the course counted with the collaboration of the Cuatrogatos Foundation. The list of lecturers responsible for conducting the workshops and lectures included prominent writers, literary researchers and educators Verónica Murguí­a, Daí­na Chaviano, Beatriz Helena Robledo, Fanuel Hanán Dí­az, José Ignacio Valenzuela, Cristina Rebull, Eddy Dí­az Souza, Daisy Valls, Juan Carlos Rodrí­guez and Sergio Andricaí­n.

For the Foundation Cuatrogatos, which has among its main objectives to promote reading and writing in Spanish in the United States, it is a great opportunity to be part of the course on the roads to eñe. We thank Melba Brito, Director of the Department of Bilingual Education and Foreign Languages, and her entire team for this opportunity to allow us to be in direct contact with a hundred Miami educators and share experiences and knowledge with them.