Other news of interest

  • El Circo de las Palabras (The Circus of Words) returns, now in Doral

    The Cuatrogatos Foundation and Doral Dowtown Pop Up Mind Body Social will present the musical literary performance for children El Circo de las Palabras (The Circus of Words), with the participation of the author Antonio Orlando Rodrí­guez and the musician Pepo Herrera. 

  • Living Word Weekend 2019

    On Saturday, May 18 and Sunday, May 19, the Cuatrogatos Foundation will present its annual Living Word Weekend event for the third time. This cultural proposal is carried has, once again, with the support of the City of Coral Gables, and its purpose is to explore the links of literature with other artistic expressions, such as music, theater and visual arts.
    The Living Word Weekend program includes two activities, one aimed at the adult public and one for children.

  • The Circus of Words

    An itinerant project in which the author Antonio Orlando Rodriguez and the musician Pepo Herrera share stories, poems and songs with children in public schools and cultural spaces in Miami.

  • Cuatrogatos Foundation Award 2019: The 20 Winners Books

    In this sixth edition, more than 1.500 books published by 175 publishers from 19 countries were considered. The award-winning books come from five countries and eighteen publishers; of these, seven receive our award for the first time. The graphic image that identified the prize was created by the prestigious Spanish illustrator Marta Altés.

  • 5th. Seminar on Children's Literature and Reading More books, more freedom

    Organized by Cuatrogatos Foundation and Miami Book Fair, this event will be held on November 17. Among the guests are the writers Ana Marí­a Shua, Irene Vasco, Marí­a José Ferrada, Elia Barceló, Paloma Muiña, Joxemari Iturralde, Fanuel Hanán Dí­az and Arianna Arteaga Quingtero; the illustrators José Fragoso and Jefferson Quintana, and the editors Luis Zendrera and Fernando Diego Garcí­a.

  • Fiesta de la Lectura / The Reading Festival 2018

    Cuatrogatos Foundation organizes for the sixth time in Miami the annual Fiesta de la Lectura / The Reading Festival event. It's programming, from October 8 to 13, includes different literary activities in Spanish in public schools and in different cultural spaces in Miami.

  • Bookcrossing I'm a Traveling Book 2018

    Cuatrogatos Foundation develops this program to promote reading in Spanish for the fourth consecutive year.

  • Third Creative Writing Course Por los caminos de la Ñ 2018

    A new and successful collaboration of the Cuatrogatos Foundation with the Department of Bilingual Education and Foreign Languages ”‹”‹of the Miami-Dade Public Schools.

  • Cervantes in Miami

    The Cuatrogatos Foundation, in collaboration with the Spanish Cultural Center of Miami and Miami DDA, celebrated on April 23, Day of the Spanish Language, with a great cultural event dedicated to children.

  • A Tour Through Childhood

    A group of renowned authors will read poems and stories for children in Miami